Lunes, Marso 17, 2014

It’s A Trap!

(It’s evening on a Friday night, and I’m in a terrible mood. I have to get up especially early the next day. I have a pounding migraine, and I’m trying to decide what to do with my Friday night. I decide to go to a ‘Tron’ double feature at our school’s tiny theater, because I expect to see some friends. Unfortunately, none of those friends have come, and the movie is already halfway through, but I notice an empty seat next to an acquaintance I’ve gotten to know recently. Thinking nothing of it, I march right up to him.)
Me: *bluntly* “Is this seat taken?”
Acquaintance: “Oh! Not at all; you’re welcome to sit here.”
Me: *sits down*
(We start to enjoy each other’s company as we make funny comments throughout the movie.)
Me: *when Clu says he’s Sam’s dad* “Luke, I am your father.”
Acquaintance: *high-fives me*
(We have a good time together, and after I leave, I realize I’ve started to like him. Luckily, a few weeks later, we start dating, and we talk about how we met that night.)
Me: “Yeah, so none of that should’ve happened. I don’t normally go marching across a theater to ask if a seat was taken when it looked very much like it was. Blame it on the migraine I guess. Still, quite the funny coincidence, huh?”
Acquaintance: *smirks mischievously*
Me: “What?”
Acquaintance: “I had purposely moved one seat over from the aisle seat, in hopes that if you came to the event, I could offer you a place to sit should you come by.”
Me: “You’re kidding me!”
Acquaintance: “Nope! You fell right into my trap!”

Making a Home Made Tocino


1 kg pork shoulder (preferably boneless and cut into thin strips)
1 cup sprite / 7-up
1 cup pineapple juice
2 cups brown sugar
6 tablespoonsketchup (banana/tomato)
4 tablespoons soy sauce (preferably light, if not available put 3 tbsp of water to produce lighter output)
2 cloves garlic (minced) or 1 tbsp garlic powder
5 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl with cover. Make sure that all the meat are covered with the marinade. 
  2. Store it in the fridge (preferably the chiller) for at least 2 days to cure the meat properly. 
  3. Cooking the meat should be easy, just put it in the pan, pour some of the marinade and few tablespoons of water. 
  4. Let it simmer until all the liquid evaporates.
  5. Put some cooking oil and fry it. 
  6. Serve with fried rice or boiled rice, tomatoes and egg. 

We've conduct this making of tocino during this second semester of second year college at Cavite State University.